Thursday 24 September 2009

Music Era 20th Century and Contemporary

Music era of the 20th century began in 1900 until 2000. As for contemporary music began in 1975 until now. From 1975 to 2000 was a time where music era and contemporary 20th century walking side by side. 20th century music by Claude Debussy preceded the impressionist-style. The American continent composer began his career in the field of music and glorious as Charles Ives, John Alden Carpenter, and George Gershwin. There's also a graduate of Arnold Schoenberg's Vienna academy who developed the technique of 12 tones. Music instruments used in this era continued to use until now.

A lot of music that developed in the 20th century. An example is the flow of expressionism of Schoenberg, Igor Stravinsky from the Neoclassical, Futurism flow from Luigi Russolo, Alexander Mossolov, Prokoliev, Antheil. Besides the music, there's microtonal flow from Julian Carillo, Alois Haba, Harry Partch and Ben Johnston. Then there's the socialist flow of Prokofiev, Gliere, Kabalevsky, and the composer of the other Russian. Next, Steve Reich and Philip Glass brings music with a simple harmony and rhythm minimalist. Music is concrete of Pierre Schaeffer and Karlheinz music intitusif like Stochausen. Finally, there is music of Pierre Boulez serialisme, political music of Luigi Nono, and aleatoric music of John Cage.

On the other hand, contemporary music exalts simplicity. Famous people from the flow of this simplicity is Wolfgang Rihm. The works by Rihm highly appreciated in Germany. The works of another composer who is valued enough symphony no. 3, entitled Symphony of Sorrowful songs from Gorecki and Cantus in memoriam Benjamin Britten from Part. In addition, there is still work entitled The Veil of the Temple of Tavener and also Silent Songs of Valentin Silvestrov.

Contemporary music can come from all over the place and affect other music styles. An example is the Indonesian gamelan, the traditional instruments from China, and also ragas of Indian classical music. Jenis music seperti rock, jazz, dan juga pop sangatlah berkembang pesat. It has recorded a lot of quality music creators.

In the era of contemporary music, many music festivals are held to appreciate music. Name the Ars Musica in Belgium, Bang on a Can marathon, Cabrillo Festival of Contemporary Music, Darmstadter Ferienkurse, and the Donaueschingen Festival. In addition, there was music week Gaudeamus Foundation in Amsterdam, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Peninsula Arts Contemporary Music Festival, and the Warsaw Autumn in Poland. There are many other film festivals smaller scale that can not be mentioned. The development of contemporary music is very fast and still no sign of ending.


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